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The Goodbyes I Refuse to Say

As my time in Senegal comes to an end, there are so many emotions I’m experiencing I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster at Six-Flags. One...


With recent news about bombings and hate fueled terrorism filling our timelines, I think its about time I address my experiences living...

Sitting Under The Tree

I have been wrestling with the topic of race for the past six months. I want to preface this blog post by saying that I may make mistakes...

Wait, it's December already?

“‘Twas the [week] before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a”…no wait there’s definitely a mouse...

You're Testing my Patience, God.

My initial thought applying to Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) was “Gosh, I sure do love mission trips, but they never seem long...

Africa Doesn't Need Your Pity

As I sit on a plastic lawn chair feeling a soft breeze blow through the air, I watch the sunset transform the expansive African sky to...

Finding Humanity in Senegal

There are many things that have led to me falling in love with Senegal. The indescribable African night sky, my incredible host family,...

From Judgment to Wonder

Life update: I safely arrived in my site placement three days ago! Fatick, which is about 3 hours south east of the capital, Dakar, will...

You Are Enough

"YOU ARE ENOUGH" We were told these words over and over again at our two week orientation in Chicago. They were words that, if I'm being...

Fear of the Unknown

As I sit here trying to come up with something witty and meaningful to impress you with, all I can really think about is how it's already...

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